Gemdale USA Corporation (“Gemdale USA”) is a real estate investment and development company headquartered in Pasadena, California. The company also has offices in New York City, San Francisco, Seattle and Dallas. Gemdale USA develops office, multifamily rental and for-sale residential projects, either stand alone or mixed-use with retail. For-sale residential developments may include condominiums, single-family attached homes as well as detached housing. Gemdale USA’s fully-integrated platform is comprised of a team of professionals with skill sets across all functional areas of real estate, including acquisitions, development, construction, design, asset management, accounting/finance and capital markets.
Gemdale Corporation (“Gemdale”) is one of China’s largest and leading diversified real estate developers and is publicly-listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (600383:SH). Since its founding in 1988, Gemdale has grown rapidly in size and strength with over three decades of successful operations and geographic expansion. Apart from residential development, Gemdale has embarked in recent years on commercial/mixed-use developments as well as real estate private equity funds management. During 2020, Gemdale had revenue in excess of $12.9 billion.
Gemdale Properties and Investment Corporation Limited (535.HK), an affiliate of Gemdale Corporation, is a leading real estate developer and operator in the Greater China region, listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and serves as a platform for commercial property investment, development and operational management.
WINS Investment, established in Hong Kong and wholly-owned by Gemdale Corporation, is an investment management company focused on private equity real estate investment in China. WINS Investment co-managed the UBS/Gemdale China Real Estate Fund with UBS.